Thursday, April 7, 2016


I am so fortunate and so privileged to have wonderful sisters in my life. My older sister, Tere, is a godsend to me. We talk on the phone and she never minds being on for hours talking about life, God, hearing my complaints and worries and always listening and sharing in ways that are honest, caring and compassionate. It is a gift I need to develop and share with those who need me to be the same. We were talking last night, and the conclusion we both drew about life and serving God is that gratefulness is such a key component. We tend to be extremely ungrateful the more we have. We can't appreciate those things we take so for granted. So I want to thank God now for her, for my life, for digital and electronic communication, the things I never need to worry about when I hear other people in my life share of the struggles they have. I've seen so many people who have every reason to complain and be bitter, and they aren't. They have joy. I want that quality so much! I say I want it, and I should being saying I'm grateful it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives, so I do have it. Thank you, Lord, for the joy you give in the midst of every circumstance!

 I went to a yoga class last night, and part of the class included wishing fellow participants a blessing of some sort. I found it difficult to think, and this was a simple one word exercise...The other component to me of gratefulness is being truly mindful in each situation we encounter of things to be sincerely grateful for, and in this case the people in the class and the instructor. I just don't pay attention. I'm usually in places or doing things with my own agenda in mind. So I sort of got this part done quickly as possible. I was tired and not focused on the other people in the class. Then all of the actual class dealt with being mindful...of your body, of your breathing, of your surroundings. I tend to gloss over everything and not give my surroundings or anything else a thought. I guess that is why the expression is PAY attention. Take something out of your conscious mind and give it to your surroundings, the people you encounter-it is a payment of your consciousness to the situation. I really need to think about this.

God please forgive me for not being truly mindful of what I have and experience and because of that know enough to thank You for each situation and blessing. Help to clearly recognize and appreciate your blessings of my life. I do not deserve them.

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